A profanity filter is employed. Please use a valid e-mail with your message and a valid name if at all possible. Please keep to the posters subject.


Search Tips
AND is the default. That is, a search for dog and cat returns all messages that contain those words anywhere.

QUOTES (") allow searches for phrases. That is, a search for "dog cat" returns all messages that contain that exact phrase, with space.

MINUS (-) eliminates words. That is, a seach for dog and -cat returns all messages that contain dog but not cat. You can MINUS a phrase in QUOTES, like dog -"siamese cat".

The engine is not case-sensitive and searches the title, body, and author.

Sexist, Racist, Rude or unnecessary messages will be removed. Tolerance to anonymous messages will be at the discretion of the administration body. Anyone who insults the owner of this forum will be barred for life. No adverts permitted.