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 Subject: RE: pipeliner
Author: Tom
Date:   2/10/2011 9:12 am PDT
Hi Terry,

It was made in August 1967. We'll have Bing send you a "birth certificate" for it, which will tell you the exact date it was ordered. Plus, it looks really cool.

Any chance you could send us a few photos of your board? Also, please tell me how long it is. Thanks.

My email is

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 pipeliner   new  
terry bentz 2/9/2011 5:15 pm PDT
 RE: pipeliner    
Tom 2/10/2011 9:12 am PDT
 RE: pipeliner   new  
Tom 2/10/2011 9:14 am PDT
 RE: pipeliner   new  
Tom 2/10/2011 9:15 am PDT
 RE: pipeliner   new  
Tom 2/10/2011 9:47 am PDT
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