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 Subject: RE: Early Joe Larkin 10
Author: Tom
Date:   12/6/2010 8:57 pm PDT
Hi David,

I don't work on other people's boards. Or, at least I wouldn't consider working on someone else's board until I finish repairing several of mine... Let's see, a month or two to do each one (I'm really slow and a perfectionist, not to mention I have a few other interests), 25 or more major project boards... That would work out to about 5 years of surfboard repair work. Probably more like 10 years. By then I'm pretty sure I will not want to look at another dinged surfboard, let alone deal with the business aspect of doing this for payment, having to complete work by a certain date ("Hey Bro, is my board done yet?"), etc.... No, I'm pretty sure, I can't help you. I do know a former long-time surfboard collector in Sydney who may be able to refer you to a reputable repair/restoration guy in your area. I'll send you a personal email with his contact info and you can go from there.

There are a few people in California and Hawaii who do great work on repairing or reconstructing (like what we did) badly damaged vintage boards. But, shipping from Australia with return would cost far more than the board would ever be worth, even after it's restored.

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 Early Joe Larkin 10   new  
Swannie 12/2/2010 2:43 pm PDT
 RE: Early Joe Larkin 10    
Tom 12/6/2010 8:57 pm PDT
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